There's lot of thing you must prepare before you started...
- Email Address. You need 2 email, 1 email from Yahoo and 1 email From Gmail
- Payment Processor. You need this to receive your payment, there's 3 payment processor you must have and you must verified it all
Let's start with 1st Step, make new email address. You must make 2 different email address, 1 email address from yahoo, you gonna use this email address to make your payment processor. Please use email from Yahoo just for your payment processor only, do not use it for register to other site except payment processor. This will make your payment processor ID more safely.
Please make different password for each email address. dont make same password on both email address. Create strong password do not make password with your birthday date, your hometown, or your nick name. Make it with lower and upper case add numbers too to your password.
2nd email address is from Gmail, you gonna use this mail for register to other site. If you already have email address, better you make a new one, this to prevent your inbox full with SPAM email. You didnt want to see your primary email filled with spam email.
After you finished with your email now lets make your payment Processor. There's 3 payment Processor that you must have, Paypal, Payza and Liberty Reserve. (Payza is the new company before known as Alert Pay)
Use your yahoo email to make all this payment processor. Just click on each banners and register using you yahoo email. If you need tutorial to make your payment processor you can see it here "Payment Processor Tutorials"
Please make different password for each Payment Processor. dont make same password. Create strong password do not make password with your birthday date, your hometown, or your nick name. Make it with lower and upper case and add numbers too to your password.
After you create all of this payment processor you need to verified your payment processor. You didnt need to verified your Liberty Reserve ID. All you need is just verified your Paypal and Payza. If you need some tutorial how to verified your payment processor you can see it here "How To Verified Your Payment Processor"
After you done with all this step, now you ready to earn from internet, There's lot of way you can choose, PTC, TE, HYIP, and many more. You didnt have to invest or spend your own money if you follow my instruction in here, all my income in here i got it as Free Member. After i earn from some site i can upgrade it to Premium Member.
I will tell you how to maximize your earning and investing your earning to make better income. And once again all of this thing started from Free Member