Good News From ClixSense
Each week we will send you an email with your ClixSense stats. We will also include any new updates we may have or any news we feel you should know about.yang artinya setiap kita mendapat income dari hasil mengerjakan Task Sebesar $50 kita mendapat komisi tambahan sebesar $ lumayan bwat nambah main balance...ayo gabung sekarang dan kerjakan task sebanyak mungkin
Many of our members are doing very well in completing tasks, so well infact that we want to give you even more. In the next couple of days we will begin rewarding you with even more commissions. For every $50.00 you earn in completed tasks we will instantly reward you with a $5.00 bonus. These $5.00 bonuses are unlimited.
And that's not all...We will also be running weekly contests for all those who complete tasks. More information about the contests will be released soon.
We will be making an announcement when the new task bonus is in place. The new bonus commission will be retroactive to all those members who have already completed tasks, so the tasks that you have already completed will count toward your first $50.00 in task earnings when we start the new commissions in a couple days.
Also, on the bottom of the tasks page we now list the top task workers for the last 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days and all time. Please go to the tasks page and take a look. We want to see your name listed there!
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